Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Di tulisan saya kali ini, to the point saja ya . . Saya bermaksud mengantar kalian semua untuk bisa meraih beasiswa yang kalian impikan. Yang betul-betul saya peroleh adalah beasiswa EM, sedangkan pada beasiswa Fulbright, saya putuskan untuk mengundurkan diri dari panggilan wawancara. Karena itu, insya Allah saya bisa bimbing kalian untuk menyiapkan berkas aplikasi EM dan Fulbright yang bagus agar kalian bisa lolos ke tahap interview. Sedangkan untuk wawancara (karena saya tidak mengambil yang Fulbright), saya batasi ulasan suasana dan tips/trik wawancara pada Erasmus Mundus saja.
Kita mulai dengan Erasmus Mundus,,,
Sbg langkah awal untuk mendaftar program beasiswa Erasmus Mundus, saya sarankan kalian pelajari dulu informasi detail, plus tahap-tahap seleksinya di link berikut . .
Setelah selesai, pilih jurusan/program yg kalian minati di
Proses seleksi akan dilakukan langsung oleh perkumpulan universitas2 (konsorsium) yg menanungi jurusan yg kalian minat. Tiap konsorsium punya kebijakan yg berbeda2, jadi syarat dan proses seleksi antara saya dan kalian mungkin saja berbeda krn kita mendaftar di konsorsium yg berbeda.
Link info umumnya, apa itu maksud dan arti Action 1 . .
Untuk tanya-tanya ke alumni (yang jelas sudah lebih berpengalaman dari saya) bisa berkunjung ke . . dan
1. Ikuti panduan menulis motivation letter di website program kalian masing2. Krn tiap program punya pertanyaan yg berbeda2 yg ingin mereka baca jawabannya dari motivation letter kalian. Beda beasiswa pun beda setting, seperti juri Fulbright dan EM, mengajukan pertanyaan yg berbeda2 pada kandidatnya.
- mengabaikan satu pun pertanyaan yang ada.
- melebihi batas jumlah kata yang diminta.
- menulis dengan font terlalu kecil hanya karena ingin semua masuk dlm 1 page sbg upaya "balas dendam" :)
- Copy-Paste dari aplikasi beasiswa yg satu untuk yg lainnya. Sangat tdk professional tuh . . Lagian hal ini beresiko, apa yang kalian tulis tdk cocok dengan apa yang ditanyakan sebetulnya.
- COPAS dari tulisan alumni ! Hati-hati ! Juri selalu punya kemampuan mendeteksi tulisan yg COPAS dari essay alumni...
3. Buat paragraf pertama sbg pembuka yang se"impressive" mungkin. Misal, hubungkan diri dan motivasi kalian dgn tokoh panutan kalian (e.g Mahatma Gandhi, Dalai Lama, etc.), cerita sukses masa lalu, kejadian2 yg memotivasi, dll.
4. BE SPECIFIC ! kalau ingin jadi penerima beasiswa, mulai skrg biasakan untuk berpikir dan menjawab pertanyaan apapun scr detail dan spesifik alias tidak "ngambang".
5. Kalian sdh harus atur rencana, ingin jadi apakah kalian 5-10 th ke depan.
6. Tunjukkan bahwa kalian adlh org yg berwawasan luas dan menguasai bidang minat kalian.
7. Tunjukkan komitmen kalian untuk membangun diri kalian demi menjadi org yg lbh baik dan bijak, untuk negara sendiri, dunia . . dan . . untuk negara yang kalian jadikan tujuan belajar (nyenengin juri beasiswa dikit laah, hehe)
Berikut adalah contoh motivation letter yg saya gunakan untuk applied beasiswa EM kemarin (teks biru adalah pertanyaan yg diajukan oleh konsorsium ) :
(Buat pembuka yg eye-catching : Having been born the son of a Naval Surgeon has inspired me to dedicate my life to serving the community, especially the poor through my knowledge in science and technology. Being one of the Indonesia’s first bachelor graduates in biomedical engineering has given me a responsibility as one of the pioneers to develop this new field of study.) (Sajikan kasus yg gawat yg butuh kehadiranmu utk menyelesaikannya : Indonesia, to date, is still dependent on other countries in providing health materials and devices due to the lack of knowledge and practical skills in biomedical engineering of its scientists. This situation leads to the unavailability of health access for the poor of the country and therefore, has stimulated me to have a mastery in this field of study.)
Why do you apply for the CEMACUBE programme specifically, rather than to other comparable programmes?
(Tunjukkan bahwa kamu menguasai jurusan yg kamu target : Biomedical engineering consists of several subdisciplines including biomaterials science in which I will learn about any materials that are necessary for one to survive.) What does specifically interest you in this research area? (Tunjukkan ketertarikan scr spesifik : Among biomaterials, I am specifically intrigued by the study of artificial organs & implants, tissue engineering, and prostheses & implant interface technology) (Kalimat berikut, saya rancang utk menunjukkan bahwa sdh tdk ada jalan lain bagi saya selain ke luar negeri, sehingga saya pantas dipertimbangkan : yet the master’s program for these topics is still not available in Indonesia . Thus, I have chosen Biomedical Engineering as the main subject of my master’s program.)
Why do you choose for Biomedical Engineering as the main subject of your Master's programme?
(Tunjukkan alasan kuat kamu memilih program itu : CEMACUBE program has met my expectation to apply as the renowned universities within the consortium provide convenient curricula containing all the subjects that will answer my need to develop and sharpen my capacity as an academician candidate and a researcher in biomedical engineering.) (Tunjukkan keahlian yg akan kamu dapat stlh lulus dr program tsb. dan Janjikan manfaat yg bisa kalian persembahkan : For example, after mastering the study of artificial organs & implants, I will be able to process Indonesia’s natural resources into necessary materials so that Indonesia can achieve national independence by providing less expensive materials for its citizens. This effort will also lead to prosperity of the nation through the health aspects.) Moreover, biomedical engineering is very broad, through the mobility offered by CEMACUBE I will be able to get access to the expertise of the universities’ respective labs and to form networks with the leading researchers in their own areas. (Tunjukkan bahwa program yg kamu tuju merupakan satu-satunya program yg tepat ! : I believe, leading studies can only be founded upon strong collaborations between the leading institutes in the consortium.)
Why do you apply for a programme that is specifically oriented towards training in research and preparation for a subsequent PhD programme?
(Pamerkan prestasi-prestasi masa lalu : Previously, I have conducted two studies that were specifically focused on the fabrication and the application of Hydroxyapatite for bone repair and tooth sensitivity reducer. My first study was funded by the Indonesian Government through a research proposal competition during my bachelor study.) It utilized one of Indonesia’s natural resources to derive Hydroxyapatite. Later, I furthered my study through my own thesis by conducting another study using Hydroxyapatite in tooth sensitivity reduction. The Indonesian Government recently awarded me some grant for my accepted idea or concept to utilize the result of my thesis as a means to raise the Human Development Index of Indonesia by the year of 2017. (Tunjukkan komitmen utk meneruskan apa yg sudah kalian bangun : Through this master’s program, I will have the capacity to conduct the planned and other future studies upon the completion of my study in Europe so that this sustainable development proposal could be realized to meet the goals.) While doing these studies, I also plan to continue my research as a PhD candidate.
Why do you think that you are suited for such an ambitious programme?
How will you fit in a class of students from all over the world, all with different backgrounds but all belonging to the top of their respective cohorts?
During my study in Europe, I will be studying and working together with the best students from their respective countries. My communication and adaptation skills that I acquired from my entrepreneurship and organizational experiences, combined with my research as well as my writing experiences, will contribute to my ability to finish my study successfully and also to compete with other international students to satisfy the needs of our respective nations. (Janjikan sesuatu yg lain di luar konteks akademik, jadilah Ambassador bagi Indonesia : As an Indonesian, I also have a responsibility to be a bridge between my country and other countries and to build mutual understanding by introducing Indonesian culture, learning western cultures, along with building a long-term bilateral partnership between Indonesia, European and other countries through exchanging knowledge and conducting research together.)
What are your future plans for the time after you have got your M.Sc.?
(Buktikan bahwa hidupmu selalu terencana dan bahwa kamu punya pandangan jauh ke depan : In five or ten years from now, after I have received my master’s degree, I want to be a consultant, advanced researcher and academician in the field of biomedical engineering particularly in biomaterials. I will also dedicate myself to the development of Indonesia’s human resources by helping to provide my country with sufficient health materials and devices through teaching in several campuses, holding discussions and seminars in which I could be one of the speakers, and building a biomedical engineering community starting in my hometown Surabaya, which eventually will benefit people all over Indonesia.
1. PAMERKAN semua hal yang menurut kalian adalah prestasi, atau nilai jual dari diri kalian, e.g paper apa saja yg pernah kalian tulis (menang/ga menang), kompetisi apa saja yg pernah kalian ikuti (menang/ga menang) . . yang penting kalian tunjukkan upaya dan keaktifan kalian selama jd mahasiswa, menurut saya . . itu sdh cukup bisa dihargai.
*tp jangan ga nyambung2 amat, kecuali kalian bs menghubungkannya dgn tujuan akademis kalian, e.g. juara lomba renang . . yang dr momen kejuaraan renang itu, kalian jadi terasah mental dan adat kerja kerasnya. Hal ini akan bermanfaat utk hal apapun kan, pinter2 aja . .
2. Erasmus Mundus menggunakan format CV Europass (standar Eropa, google aja). Bedanya dgn format2 lain, di sini kita bisa narasi dengan menceritakan kelebihan2 kita dan mendeskrispikan bentuk prestasi kita. Jadi ga cuman poin2 mati.
3. Lagi-lagi . . utarakan apapun selengkap, sedetail dan sespesifik mungkin
SAAT MENGIRIMKAN APLIKASI, jangan lupa sertakan bukti-bukti, atau kopi dari sertifikat2 prestasi kalian sbg upaya meyakinkan juri (supaya kalian tdk dianggap bohong).
1. Jauh-jauh hari sebelum wawancara, banyaklah coret2 kertas . . untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan 5W-1H :
What - are your qualifications ?
- do you want to study ?
- will you be doing during your study ?
- are your future objectives & involvements in community development ?
Why - that field ?
- that country/place (Europe, USA, xxx University) ?
- do you want to do that ?
- do you have such objectives ?
Where - do you want to study ?
- do you want to work upon the completion of your study ?
When - will you do what you've planned ?
- will the mission accomplish ?
Who - inspired you ?
- do you want to be in the service for/dedicate your life to ?
How - will you meet the obkectives ?
- will you be able to study in..., in that field, & finish the program ON TIME and SUCCESSFULLY ?
Kembangkan sendiri, sesuaikan dengan kondisi kalian masing2. Tulis semua jawabannya, dan hafalkan sampai hafal di luar kepala. FYI, Alhamdulillah semua pertanyaan di atas, termasuk pengembangannya sdh saya jawab semua dan saya tulis di logbook pribadi saya . . *Jadi, jangan lupa siapkan logbook khusus untuk proses mengejar beasiswa ;)
2. Latihan wawancara di depan kaca, dengan teman, dosen dll. Rekam suara kalian sendiri dgn recorder, kalau perlu dalam bentuk video. Lakukan sampai jenuh :p :D Karena kalau kita sdh kerja keras sampai jenuh, insya Allah tidak ada alasan utk kita nervous saat berjuang wawancara. Jenuh/lelah menunjukkan bahwa kita sdh maksimal mempersiapkan diri, sehingga kita pantas sukses !!!
3. Pelajari semua biografi Professor2 yang berpotensi mewawancara kalian.
4. Siapkan "Introduction" yang tajam. Jangan mengulang2 apa yg sudah ada di berkas2 lain. Waktu kalian wawancara SANGAT TERBATAS, tdk cukup utk menunjukkan usaha keras kalian mengejar beasiswa selama bbrp bulan, atau bahkan tahun kepada juri. MANFAATKAN !!! Pintar2 memilih poin yg crucial. Langsung tunjukkan bahwa kalian adalah orang WOW ! *walau tdk WOW betulan, yg penting PD ;)
Berikut Introduction yg saya siapkan utk wawancara saya :
"Hello, my name is Aditya Iman Rizqy. I am the assistant copy editor of the Institute of Tropical Disease, Airlangga University. I am responsible for making sure that the papers are readable, accurate & ready for publications. (Terima kasih kepada Dr. Prihartini Widiyanti, drg. M.Kes yang sudah menawarkan posisi ini untuk saya walau saya jalani hanya sebentar)
My Supervisor, I and my friends have been working on founding a biomaterials laboratory to assist the local tissue in Surabaya (my hometown) in providing Hydroxyapatite as bone scaffolds to Orthopaedic surgeons in Indonesia." (Terima kasih kepada sahabat saya Miranda Zawazi Ichsan S.T. yang sudah menawarkan kerjasama ini walau harus saya tinggal dulu ke Eropa)
5. Terlalu banyak tips trik wawancara dari internet kalau harus saya tulis semua di sini. Kumpulkan sebanyak-banyaknya, dan sering-seringlah latihan. Termasuk trik2 khusus bagi wawancara berbentuk teleconference. *Seperti kasus saya, saya diwawancara oleh 2 orang Professor dari 2 Universitas berbeda melalui Skype, langsung dari Eropa.
6. Jaga postur tubuh dan body, termasuk hand gestures . . Facial expressions juga. Banyak-banyaklah senyum. Pancarkan semangat bahwa kalian merasa sangat terhormat karena telah diundang wawancara oleh mereka. Ingat, tidak semua orang diundang wawancara. Jadi, kalau kalian sudah sampai tahap ini . . SELAMAT !!! Artinya, para juri beasiswa sudah "mengincar dan penasaran" dengan kalian. Sekali lagi, tujuan wawancara adalah utk mengkonfirmasi kebenaran isi berkas, dan membuktikan kesan yg sdh diberikan para juri pada orang2 terpilih seperti kalian :) Analoginya, kalau kalian tertarik dgn seseorang, tentunya kalian ingin ngobrol banyak dengan orang itu donk ;)
7. Jika kalian diberi kesempatan untuk bertanya, pastikan kalian bertanya 2-3 pertanyaan (tdk terlalu sedikit & tdk terlalu banyak). Menurut saya, kalau kalian tidak tanya . . berarti kalian tidak paham betul apa yg kalian incar, atau kalian tdk begitu niat mengejar beasiswa ini. *Kalau kalian jadi seorang guru, mana yg membuat kalian senang ? Siswa mana yg kalian anggap memahami/peduli dgn pelajaran ? yang diam-diam saja . . atau yg aktif bertanya ? . . hehe, kalian tahu sendiri jawabannya :)
Berikut, adalah motivation letter saya untuk Fulbright, namun Fulbright menggunakan istilah "Study Objective".
Anne Sullivan is my inspiration. Against
all odds, she taught Helen Keller, a blind girl, until finally Keller got a
bachelor’s degree and became an activist. Sullivan, convinced me that even a
child with a vision disability could have a future like other normal children. In
January 2013, Eva Joyce, a baby from the UK experienced a similar vision
disability due to a disease called Peter’s Anomaly. She underwent a corneal
transplantation and, as a result, she now has a normal vision to seize her
future. In contrast, Dr. Suharjo, a respected Indonesian ophthalmologist,
argued that the availability of corneal donor in Indonesia is very insufficient.
I have a personal dream to become today’s Anne Sullivan. My vision is to provide
synthetic cornea for the blind in Indonesia so that they can have the same fortune
as Eva’s and the same bright future as Helen’s.
to date, is still dependent on other countries in providing materials for
medical procedures. This is due to the lack of knowledge and practical skills
in biomaterials. For instance, even though Indonesia possesses 5% of the
world’s nickel reserve, the main material of bone implants, Indonesia still imports
bone implants from Japan and Korea. Indonesia’s incapability to process nickel
has led to the costly health access for the poor of the country. Therefore, Indonesia
needs biomaterials experts who are capable of producing implants and other
biomaterials to fulfill the demand of health facilities in the country.
National Development Planning Minister, Armida Alisyahbana, stated that the
growth of demand for health facilities was higher than the growth of the number
of facilities themselves. Likewise, in the case of biomaterials, the need of
bone substitute increases every year, in part because of the very high number
of accidents in Indonesia (Tambunan, Head of Materials Technology Center of
BPPT). In addition, Indonesia only has four tissue banks providing bone
scaffolds for the whole country. Based on this reason, my supervisor and I have
been working on establishing a biomaterials laboratory in Lombok. This
laboratory will assist the local Tissue Bank of Dr. Soetomo Hospital in
providing Hydroxyapatite as bone substitute to orthopedic surgeons in Indonesia.
With my academic background in which I
focused on biomaterials stream, I also conducted two
studies that
specifically focused on the fabrication and the application of Hydroxyapatite for
bone repair and tooth sensitivity reduction. The result of my first study,
which was funded by DIKTI, led me to conduct a thesis project to reduce tooth
sensitivity in order to obtain deeper comprehension of the material’s
applications. The study utilized cuttlefish bone as one of Indonesia’s abundant
natural resources to derive Hydroxyapatite. Subsequently, DIKTI awarded me
grant funds for my proposal to utilize the result of my thesis as a means to maintain
the Human Development Index of Indonesia. I find that having an opportunity to
pursue my master’s degree in biomaterials science is vital to realizing this
sustainable development proposal. Besides, I will also have the capacity to conduct
other future studies regarding
biomaterials. I believe that my experiences along with the thesis project and other
courses offered in the program will serve as a strong foundation for me to be a
biomaterials academician.
one of Indonesia’s first bachelor graduates in biomaterials has formed my
determination as a pioneer to develop this new field of study. During my future
study, I plan to master the synthesis and properties of biomaterials, the
interactions of biomaterials with living systems, and tissue engineering for
the development of novel biomaterials for medicine and healthcare. However, biomaterials
program in Indonesia is still non-existent. By contrast, in 1969, one of the
American universities had already begun organizing annual International
Biomaterials Symposia. In 1974–1975, these symposia evolved into the Society for
Biomaterials, the world’s first biomaterials society (Ratner et al., Biomaterials Science: A
Multidisciplinary Endeavor). This fact has convinced me that the USA is the
best path for me to study biomaterials science.
Upon the completion of my study in
the USA, I am going to work in Indonesia as a lecturer, a consultant, and a
professional researcher who will also be continuing his biomaterials laboratory
project in Lombok. I will also dedicate myself to the development of Indonesia’s
human resources by being a government counterpart to provide my country with
sufficient health materials. To do this, I will teach at my school, hold discussions
and seminars in which I would be one of the speakers, and build biomaterials communities
starting in Surabaya and Lombok which eventually will benefit people
all over Indonesia. Through all these, I will contribute as an “Agent of
Change” in assisting the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia to
execute its vision and mission in realizing “health equalization, national independence,
and national competitiveness”.
Oiya, di luar konteks teknis . . saya juga ingin menganjurkan beberapa ritual kepada kalian. Kalau bisa, usahakan kalian untuk rutin mengamalkan hal-hal berikut, karena terbukti berhasil atas ijin-Nya (berlaku bagi yg Islam, bagi yg beragama lain, kalian bisa terapkan ritual yg diajarkan dlm agama kalian masing2 :)
1. Sedekah
2. Sholat tahajjud dan Hajat (kalau bisa, setiap hari)
3. Puasa senin-kamis
4. Puasa2 sunnah lainnya (lihat jadwal puasa sunnah di internet)
5. Bantulah sebanyak mungkin orang (amal jariyah). Bantulah sebanyak2nya orang untuk juga dapat beasiswa, insya Allah, Allah juga akan berikan beasiswa yg kalian inginkan sebagai balasannya :)
6. Memanjatkan sholawat nabi
7. Dzikir
8. Baca-baca Asmaul Husna
9. OPTIONAL ! Lakukan nadzar-nadzar kepada Allah, sesuatu/beberapa hal yg besar *saya tdk boleh menceritakan apa saja nadzar saya. Cukup saya dan Allah SWT yg tahu :)
Akhir kata, sampai di sini dulu tulisan saya . . Mohon ma'af kalau masih sangat sangat tidak terorganisir. Insya Allah, di lain kesempatan, akan saya rapikan lagi tulisan saya, dan saya tambahkan poin-poin lain agar lebih lengkap dan lebih bermanfaat. Saya mohon do'a dari kalian saja supaya saya bisa terus berbagi dengan kalian :)
Untuk kalian semua.. SELAMAT BERJUANG ! Ingat, Allah selalu memberikan hasil dari kerja keras kita . . dan janji Allah selalu benar krn DIA MAHA MENEPATI JANJI . . yakin aja deh ;)
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. :)